Joy and I are on vacation. Yesterday, we stopped in Point Pleasant, West Virginia and took a picture of the legendary Mothman. I posted the picture on Facebook. Some people have asked me what the legend of the Mothman is, so I'll tell it. Then I'll tell our own, less interesting experience with it.
In November of 1966, people around Point Pleasant started seeing a mysterious creature, about eight feet tall. It had glowing red eyes, fur, and batlike wings--bigfoot with wings, in other words. These reports lasted for about a year. Coinciding with its disappearance, the Silver Bridge over the Ohio collapsed, killing about forty people. Locals then interpreted the coming of the mothman as an omen of impending disaster. The mothman was there to warn them of the bridge.
So far, a straightforward story. Now it gets a little weird.
A few months after this, a mysterious stranger dressed in black arrived in town. He was about three feet tall, had thick glasses, and talked with a curious accent. He began asking people in Point Pleasant if they saw any UFOs. When people asked where he came from, he jumped in a black limousine and sped off, never to be seen again.
Mothmen. Aliens, Men in Black. It has everything.
It also has ghosts. Several buildings in Point Pleasant claim to be haunted.
That's the story in a nutshell. Now, here's our visit.
We left Waxhaw late Friday morning, headed for Michigan. Our itinerary had us stopping in Point Pleasant for the evening. Traffic jams made us late, and we didn't arrive there until about seven thirty, so we didn't have much time.
Point Pleasant is a quaint (read seedy)little river town comprised of unpainted buildings, burger joints, and antique stores. Even though we were in a hurry, we were determined to at least see the mothman statue. It took us for a while to find it, its in the "historic" district by the river. It's a gleaming metal statue, life size, with nothing else around it. We saw no locals on the street nearby, probably scared off by the mothman. Across from the statue is the Lowe hotel, which is supposed to be haunted by a ghost in room 315. We were going to stay there, but it was now closed to the public. Three doors down is the mothman museum, where you can buy mothman t shirts and dvds. We took lots of pictures.
Then as quickly as we arrived we sped off in a mysterious pt cruiser, never to be seen again in those parts.
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