Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dancing with God

There are two kinds of people on earth--those who dance and those who don't. I fall into the latter category.  When you have the physique of Mr. Potato Head, you really don't look right on a dance floor.

As a non-dancer, I frankly don't understand what dancing means to those who do.  Whenever I hear that songs "I Could Have Danced All Night,” I wonder how she could have done it, and why.  We Presbyterians are generally rhythmically deprived anyway. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Four Visions of the Church

The vision of the Christian Church is to establish an ancient dream in a modern world.  Jesus said   "Upon this rock, I will build my church."
Two thousand years later, we cannot even agree on the shape of  the edifice that was supposed to go on that rock.  Will it have stained glass windows and arches?  Will it be a plain wooden box? Will it even have walls?  There has never been a definitive answer to that question.  We can only speak of a variety of answers--thousands of permutations and designs. 
I believe there are four basic church shapes,  based upon the intentions of the people who dwell in them. The true church lies somewhere in between these four shapes.
These shapes are a continuum between two intersecting axes--the cultural and missional axis.  The cultural axis is how they see themselves. The missional axis is how they see their mission to the world.  They represent four separate visions of the church's place in society.