After months of waiting, Mapping the Christian Life is finally available. the publisher, RevPress, has put it on Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and Eden.UK. Anyone wanting a signed copy needs only to contact me at bfleming2@carolina.rr.com, and I'll send one for 12 dollars plus postage.
I believe the message of this book will enrich many lives and ministries. It provides an overview of whee we have been and where we are going as Christians that is essential for planning ahead for individuals and congregations.
I'm also available for speaking engagements, as it can be fitted into my schedule. I have individual lectures and seminars available on a variety of subjects connected with this book. Those topics include.
"The Stories behind the Psalms"
"The Necessity of Disillusionment"
"Surviving the Middle Ages"
"A Guide to Positive Agin"
"Finding your way in Life"
``and many other topics.
I am also looking for endorsements and testimonials. If you read this book, and it blesses our life, please let me know. Send me a note to bfleming2@carolina.rr.com. I'd love to hear from you
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